
Doctoral dissertation of Anna Aatsinki

Doctoral dissertation of Anna Aatsinki Anna Aatsinki, Lic. Med. defends her doctoral dissertation on Feb 12, 2021: Maternal prenatal stress, infant microbiota, brain, and behavioral development.

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R package geofi for Finnish geospatial data

Finnish Geospatial data access and visualization in R The rOpenGov network released a new R package for Finnish geospatial data access & visualization: geofi R package now available in CRAN! More info will follow.

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Work group set to re-evaluate publicity law

Work group set to re-evaluate publicity law Finnish government has set a working group to evaluate publicity law (2021-2023). Associate Prof. Leo Lahti has been nominated in this work group as the representative of Open Knowledge Finland ry.

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Finnish Cultural Foundation stipends

Finnish Cultural Foundation decisions Finnish Cultural Foundation awarded a postdoctoral stipend for Matti Ruuskanen for work on modeling spatial patterns in human microbiome, and a PhD stipend for Iiro Tiihonen for modeling knowledge production in early modern era. Congratulations!

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Epidemic modeling with City of Turku

City of Turku collaboration on epidemic models City of Turku is using epidemic modeling scenarios baed on agent-based modeling. The model has been developed, implemented, and further customized to the local need in City of Turku in close collaboration with Kausal Oy, University of Turku, and a team of researchers.

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Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Virtual Conference in June

Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Virtual Conference Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Virtual Conference will be organized fully online this year, in June 7-10, 2021. The conference is aimed at novel developments and applications of statistical and mathematical methods in the field of bioscience and offers excellent opportunities for learning about recent advances in biostatistics/biometry, exchanging research experiences and getting to know colleagues from your neighbouring countries. REGISTRATION IS OPEN AND IS FREE FOR MEMBERS OF IBS!

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European Bioconductor Meeting 2020

Presentations at EuroBioc2020 At the European Bioconducutor Meeting EuroBioc2020, Dec 14-18, 2020, we will give a short talk, birds of a feather session, and a poster on the emerging R ecosystem for microbiome research. Links to the material: Poster Short talk slides Birds-of-a-feather workshop TBA Dedicated class structures are fundamental for the R/Bioconductor ecosystem. In microbiome research, the phyloseq class has become a commonly accepted standard. However, recent developments in Bioconductor classes and growing sample sizes have opened up new opportunities and requirements to extend this popular format in order to address emerging research needs.

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National policy on open education published

National policy on open education The expert panel in Open Education has the task of promoting and discussing issues concerning Open Education in Finnish higher education by, for example, writing recommendations and policies and updating terminology and holding events on Open Education. The guidelines are now summarized in: Open education and educational resources. National policy and executive plan by the higher education and research community for 2021-2025. Policy component 1 – Open access to educational resources (2020) DOI:10.

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Comparing evolutionary processes in nature and society

Comparing evolutionary processes in nature and society New support from KONE foundation for a joint project led by Ass. Prof. Indrė Žliobaitė. The world is changing at unprecedented rates. Financial crises, epidemics, climate disasters and military conflicts rise suddenly and change common ways of living. We can no longer hope to learn how the world is, by the time we learn, the world has changed. We need to focus on process-level understanding of how the world is changing.

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rOpenGov website renewed and new hetu R package published!

New rOpenGov homepage and hetu R package The rOpenGov project homepage for open government data analytics has now moved to a new address, and substantially revised. Read more at! In addition, the new hetu R package for Finnish identification numbers (persons, companies) has been released.

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