
Our research focuses on computational analysis of complex natural and social systems. There is a great demand for targeted computational techniques to extract information and insights from rich data collections based on clever combinations of human and machine intelligence. We blend elements from fields such as machine learning/AI, probabilistic programming, statistical ecology, and data science, and drive open developer communities that help to translate latest theoretical advances into accessible methods to inform modeling, experimentation, and decision-making. For a full list of publications check this page.


Learning and teaching biological data science in the bioconductor community
Drnevich J, Tan F, Almeida-Silva F, Castelo R, Culhane A, Davis S, Doyle M, Holmes S, Lahti L, Mahmoud A, Nishida K, Ramos M, Rue-Albrecht K, Shih D, Gatto L & Soneson C.
arXiv 2024

Biochemical analyses can complement sequencing-based ARG load monitoring: A case study in indian hospital sewage networks
Bhanushali S, Parnanen K, Mongad D, Dhotre D & Lahti L.
medRxiv 2024

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